Coastal Dental believes that the beauty of your smile is directly related to your overall oral health. Preventative dental cleanings and exams improve your oral health, ensuring you avoid unnecessary dental procedures in the future.
Our highly qualified dental hygienists are trained to provide you with the best oral cleaning procedures, including stubborn calculus removal with our Cavitron machine. We also offer fluoride varnish for patients with sensitive teeth.
Our preventative dental services include:
Periodontal disease affect 1 in every 2 Americans over the age of 30, and involves the deterioration of the gums and bones surrounding your teeth. In most cases, periodontal disease can be treated non-surgically to restore overall oral health and prevent tooth loss.
During a regular cleaning, the areas above the gum line are cleaned and inspected for periodontal disease using probing and x-rays. To treat periodontal disease, a cleaning of the root surface is performed below the gum line by one of our caring and highly-trained dental hygienists. They can help determine and explain your oral health needs, as well as assist you in designing a home care regimen that works for you.
Dental technology has significantly improved over the last few years, now offering digital x-rays versus traditional radon x-rays. Safer and more convenient, digital x-rays emit 90% less radon than traditional x-ray machines, and your images are ready to view instantly. One of the best advancements is that digital x-ray sensors are typically smaller and more comfortable than the sharp edges of older films. With high-quality images and environmentally-friendly digital files, digital x-rays are easily transferred between offices.